Friday, May 22, 2020

Mark Twain Emily Dickinson - 1045 Words

Analysis on American Works of Literature Throughout history there have been many influential writers that have impacted generations. There have been writers from Shakespeare in England to Sun Tzu in China. They have impacted the many generations that followed. America has had many influential writers of its own. Emily Dickinson and Mark Twain are just a few of the many examples of writers that have originated in America. Mark Twain wrote Extracts from Adams Diary a playful short story of how man met woman. Emily Dickinsons Success is Counted Sweetest is a poem on how when one succeeds it brings joy into the effort that was put forth. One may learn a great deal from reading works of literature. The poem â€Å"Success is Counted†¦show more content†¦The short story brought up many â€Å"normal† things that would have been curiosities to the first humans. â€Å"Extracts from Adam’s Diary† brought the modern world a story that the reader could understand in today’s world. Mark Twain wrote the story â€Å"true to form† on how real humans would act when interacting (Hope). In the story Adam adapted his situation and began to feel a need for Eve even though he did not want her in the first place. The story shows how sworn couples have to adapt to each other on their strengths and weaknesses. The story teaches how as humans we also go through the emotions of first dislike, then acceptance evolving into being pleased with, transformed to love (Hope). In this short story Mark Twain does an incredible job at incorporating in allusions in this work of literature to readers who know the bible version and this playful more human versio n. The short story teaches how one learns to accept a person if one gives the time to learn to love someone else even when they have many flaws. Eve is shown as being a bit bossy and inconsiderate towards Adam but they time they spend together Adam slowly learns to love her. 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